The Girl in the Red Coat

Archive for August 2010

Life has been pretty non-stop recently – between work experience and spending time with friends and my boy, I’ve barely been at home. Not that I’d have it any other way. This is good busy, unlike the constant textbook-filled business of a few months ago.

In fact, let me show you a picture that sums up the last few weeks…

I know, sickening isn’t it?! But don’t you just love it when you stumble across something that magically expresses how you’re currently feeling so perfectly? It’s by a fantastic artist called Neil Slorance who has a whole host of gorgeous drawings and doodles on both his blog and his flickr. Do check him out if you get a chance!

The next few weeks will continue to be busy – lots of plans this week and then am going on a short trip to Budapest next week, which I am unbelievably excited about! If anybody has any tips from previous trips to Hungary, please do share them!

Meanwhile, here are a few things that have caught my eye or made me smile recently that I’ve been looking forward to sharing you. Not quite a 10 Things Tuesday entry, but almost!

♥ Bonding over favourite songs


♥ Lazy breakfasts, while relaxing with a book


♥ Looking forward to Autumn, and digging my red coat out of my wardrobe


♥ This print


♥ Lawyers with a sense of humour


Hope you’re all doing well!


Welcome to the blogging adventures of a 20-something London girl with a love of travelling, music and laughing with friends. Feel free to join me on my adventures! (.^_^)v

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