The Girl in the Red Coat

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This Christmas was just what I needed – fun, cosy and restful, despite falling ill almost as soon as term ended. Lots of time with some of my most favourite people, a Christmas ballet, lots of delicious mulled drinks in front of roaring fires and baking of Christmassy treats. It was also a Christmas of firsts – the first with my boyfriend and the first time I’ve ever received a Christmas card as part of a couple. You may laugh, but for once (and unexpectedly even to me) I didn’t react like a panicked Chandler Bing…it was a wonderful feeling!

I hope you all had a fabulous time, however you were celebrating.

Now to start planning some New Year’s Resolutions…

I know it’s been an age since I last updated – this term has been incredibly busy but only two more exams to go this week and then I can start thinking about Christmas and having a (teeny!) break until everything starts up again.

I read this on one of my favourite blogs this morning though (and she sourced it from here), and I just wanted to share it with you. One of my closest friends was only recently saying that she wished she didn’t have to hear that so many of her (elementary school!) students are on diets, and even if you think like this already a little reminder will do no harm.

Wonderful, wonderful words and so very true.


“You are not your bra-size, nor are you the width of your waist, nor are you the slenderness of your calves. You are not your hair color, your skin color, nor are you a shade of lipstick. Your shoe-size is of no consequence. You are not defined by the amount of attention you get from males, females, or any combination thereof. You are not the number of sit-ups you can do, nor are you the number of calories in a day. You are not your mustache. You are not the hair on your legs. You are not a little red dress.

You are no amalgam of these things.

You are the content of your character. You are the ambitions that drive you. You are the goals that you set. You are the things that you laugh at and the words that you say. You are the thoughts you think and the things you wonder. You are beautiful and desirable not for the clique you attend, but for the spark of life within you that compels you to make your life a full and meaningful one. You are beautiful not for the shape of the vessel, but for the volume of the soul it carries.”


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Apologies to anyone reading this who I’m friends with on twitter because you’ll have seen this earlier, but I just had to share this picture of a gorgeous double rainbow I saw while enjoying a Sunday afternoon walk on this crisp (if slightly damp at times) autumn day.

(Snapped on my phone)

All along the high street, people were standing looking up at the sky, taking pictures and calling to others inside the shops to come out and take a look. It was a lovely moment!


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The Mad Men theme song…with a twist…


I’ve been listening to this on repeat for the last hour or so and thought I’d share it, with fifteen minutes of Monday left here in the UK!

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{photo by me and edited with the wonderfully distracting picnik}

Today the mister and I went for a walk from Camden to Hampstead Heath via Primrose Hill. You can see the route we basically walked along below. It’s not the map we used but shows you the area of London we were in, and if you follow the link below you can find details of the area and a walking tour if you’re around London and have a few hours to spare!


It wasn’t the most beautiful of days (weather-wise!) but was very English – grey, overcast and drizzly – but it was still a fantastic day. There were lots of people out walking and spending time with families and loved ones in both parks. One father, recognising that the gusty autumn day was perfect for kite-flying, was on Primrose Hill with his three kids. Not that they got a look-in where the kite was concerned though! It was such a cute scene, I had to take a picture! 🙂 Hopefully he let them have a turn soon after!

From the top of Primrose Hill you can see a lot of the City of London spread out below. Even with today’s misty weather I could see St Paul’s, the Gherkin and the Millennium Wheel. I do love this city – not many capital cities have so many gorgeous green spaces. The walk took us through lots of different residential areas too, past some gorgeous listed buildings, houses with blue plaques showing famous historical figures who once lived there and some quirky shops and cafés, with delicious-looking cupcakes and pastries in the windows. It was a struggle not to buy something in each and every one!

So, what’s the perfect way to end a walk like this, on a cold autumn’s day? Why, cosying up in a café for a few hours with lots of tea, talking and planning of future trips…and that’s exactly what we did!

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Autumn is well and truly here in old London town. The evenings are drawing in earlier and the mornings are darker for longer, the warmth of the Tube isn’t as uncomfortable as it was a mere month ago and the pavements are covered in leaves and conkers (oh the school time memories!)

I’m not complaining though – I’m a big fan of cold weather and all the scarves, woolly hats and steaming hot drinks that it brings! Not a big fan of cold weather-induced colds though…I’m just getting over one at the moment, although that’s probably actually due to starting studying again. There’s some kind of connection between a new term, new students and streaming colds isn’t there?!

However, when I get a moment away from the books…there are a couple of cosy knitted creations I’ve had my eye on for a wee while that will be perfect for keeping me snug and warm as the weather gets even more wintery.



I also spotted these beautiful heels recently. I simply can’t justify buying them and they’re not in any way Autumn-related but they’re so cute!


Have you been internet window shopping recently?! Has anything in particular caught your eye? It’s a great distraction! Not that I really need any help with procrastination from my school work of course…



The bitterness of studying is better than the bitterness of ignorance – unknown.

It’s amazing how quickly the start of a new school year comes round again. On Thursday I went for my course induction and couldn’t believe that an entire year has passed since I nervously queued up to collect an enormous stack of law books and take my first tentative steps into a legal career. I remember thinking I couldn’t possibly get through and remember the quantity of information contained in the texts we were given, and now I can’t believe that I managed to. (But also can’t believe that I’ve also managed to forget so much over the course of a single summer!)

First day of classes tomorrow – wish me luck!



Posted on: September 1, 2010

I actually returned from Budapest over a week ago, but went straight into a week’s work experience, which kept me 800 different kinds of busy, and was then followed by a wonderful weekend seeing friends and celebrating my birthday! I can’t believe how quickly this summer has flown by, and what a fantastic summer it has been – fun with friends, rewarding grades, travel and even an unexpected romance! The last few months of 27 have been fabulous, here’s to an even better 28th year!

Without further ado then, here are some pictures I took in Budapest… It’s a fabulous city which I wholeheartedly recommend you to visit if you get the chance. Really tall, gorgeously-fronted buildings that you could easily imagine standing and being bombarded during the war. Heavy architecture and dark tree-lined streets with a few glowing lamps punctuating the darkness. Delicious food – paprika-spiced meats, pancakes, pastries. We were also lucky enough to visit during the St Stephen’s Day festival, when we watched the fireworks over the Danube and Chain Bridge surrounded by locals on a closed-off tram line.

{funicular railway up to the Castle District}

{eagle overlooking the city}

{view over the Danube and the Parliament building}

{Matyas Church}

{The Cave Church}

{Café Girbeaud}

{Beautiful during the day, but possibly even more beautiful at night}

{St Stephen’s Day is a national holiday, with fireworks over the Danube}

{the Central Marketplace}

{stairway down from the portico of St Stephen’s Basilica}


Life has been pretty non-stop recently – between work experience and spending time with friends and my boy, I’ve barely been at home. Not that I’d have it any other way. This is good busy, unlike the constant textbook-filled business of a few months ago.

In fact, let me show you a picture that sums up the last few weeks…

I know, sickening isn’t it?! But don’t you just love it when you stumble across something that magically expresses how you’re currently feeling so perfectly? It’s by a fantastic artist called Neil Slorance who has a whole host of gorgeous drawings and doodles on both his blog and his flickr. Do check him out if you get a chance!

The next few weeks will continue to be busy – lots of plans this week and then am going on a short trip to Budapest next week, which I am unbelievably excited about! If anybody has any tips from previous trips to Hungary, please do share them!

Meanwhile, here are a few things that have caught my eye or made me smile recently that I’ve been looking forward to sharing you. Not quite a 10 Things Tuesday entry, but almost!

♥ Bonding over favourite songs


♥ Lazy breakfasts, while relaxing with a book


♥ Looking forward to Autumn, and digging my red coat out of my wardrobe


♥ This print


♥ Lawyers with a sense of humour


Hope you’re all doing well!


Welcome to the blogging adventures of a 20-something London girl with a love of travelling, music and laughing with friends. Feel free to join me on my adventures! (.^_^)v

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