The Girl in the Red Coat

Archive for June 2010


Posted on: June 30, 2010

It’s been too long since I last went to a theme park but yesterday was spent doing just that! My cousin and his girlfriend are visiting from Australia at the moment so, together with my brother, we decided to head to Chessington World of Adventures for the day. Perfect timing with most of the kids still at school…although there were a surprising number of school trips there – I can’t remember ever getting a school trip to a theme park in my school days!

It was an amazing day, we didn’t have to queue for longer than 15 minutes (and that was just for two of the rides). Anyone who knows me in real life and, more importantly, has been to a theme park with me will be aware of just how much of a wuss I am but I can proudly say that I went on every ride! (Well, except two…but I have an irrational fear of log rides (no safety belts!) and refuse to be spun upside down (how is that fun?!)). So yes, everything else and I mean everything else – vampire ride (5 times!), the terrifying Kobra, Runaway Train, Rattlesnake, Bubbleworks, Monkey Swings, even the dodgems for some old-school charm.

Do you remember, back in my 30 before 30 post, that I decided it would be an amazing idea to get an adrenalin rush? Well, in a bid to try to cross something off that list, I went on the Dragon’s Fury ride (bottom left-hand corner of the collage above). Ahem, what a mistake that was. Allow me to set the scene. Dragon’s Fury looks like your average roller coaster ride with four-person cars  and which, according to the wonder that is wikipedia, reaches heights of 59ft and has a drop of 55ft. However! These four-person cars do not merely race round the tracks in a suitably adrenalin-fuelling way – they spin at the same time! In other rides that day, the vampire for example, or the aforementioned terrifying Kobra, which was a spinning platform travelling along a wavy track, I screamed myself hoarse quite merrily and the adrenalin rush afterwards was fantastic. On the Dragon’s Fury though, I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared in my entire life. Too scared even to scream. My brother found it hilarious, he was sitting beside me on the ride and apparently I gave a slight yelp when we started travelling upwards, then clamped my eyes shut and curled up as tightly as the limited space would allow. That’s not to say that I wasn’t proud of myself for doing it when I finally escaped from that hideous little vehicle but I think my shaking afterwards was more as a result of intense fear than adrenalin and wow, I am never doing that again!

Afterwards, I stood looking up at the ride so that I could take some photos and, as I was watching, one of the little cars on the highest track ground to a halt. A tinny voice was heard over the park intercom – “technical difficulties…shortly be on the move…” . My heart leapt into my mouth. Can you imagine?! I think I’d have done a lot more than the whimpering that was the soundtrack to my time on the ride if that was me stuck up there.

Still though, apart from the Dragon’s Fury, an amazing amazing day!

Next on my list of must-do (and more Cat-style) theme parks, who wants to join me for a trip to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Florida?! If I start knitting my Ravenclaw scarf now, I might have saved enough money for the trip by the time it’s finished… Also, while we’re on the subject of Harry Potter, if you haven’t seen the new trailer for the Deathly Hallows yet just click this link here. I’m so excited!

I stumbled across this song while doing some photo inspiration research for a friend’s wedding and have been listening to it most of today while working on applications. It’s beautiful, mellow and has a gorgeous video – perfect if you’re a romantic dreamer like me!

What have you been listening to today?

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to get a coffee of the non-home made variety…


Posted on: June 28, 2010

So this series of Doctor Who is over…well, until Christmas and I’m already excited about the promise of what the Christmas Day special will have in store. In fact, this will probably be the first Christmas that I have actively looked forward to the show.

I’ve always been aware of Doctor Who but never really watched it – I think I caught a little of some of the old show when I was young but found it all rather terrifying and it just never caught my interest before it finished when I was in my early teens, and then there was the void for several years. I remember being quite surprised to hear that the show was coming back but was living in Japan then so didn’t really follow it too closely. My younger cousins love it though (they weren’t even born for the originals…wow, how old does that make me feel?!) so I watched one of the Christmas specials with them when I visited the UK that year but didn’t come home often enough to see others.

Then I moved back home, halfway through the tenth Doctor’s era. I figured it was a bit too late to start watching and besides, I thought, it never caught my attention when I was wee. However, THEN there was the big fuss about David Tennant leaving and a new Doctor being chosen and I saw a picture in some of the newspapers etc. of Matt Smith in the braces and bow tie combo and I suddenly took notice. Yep,  a lifetime of not watching Doctor Who was overturned by a cute guy with a fantastic fringe, in a bow tie and braces – I really am that simple. (In my defence, he does also wear some pretty yummy thick-framed glasses sometimes in real  life so what chance did  I have?! )

I’ll just watch one episode, I said to myself, see what all the fuss is about and  whether Matt Smith can live up to the amazing outfit…

♥   ♥   ♥   ♥   ♥   ♥

I didn’t look back.

I have looked forward to watching the show every week and I  know I have no point of comparison, but 11 is definitely my doctor (and Amy is an  amazing companion)! I love his energy, his eccentricities (a fez?! Alas though, a  short-lived fez…) and how he spontaneously bursts out with bizarre comments. And the show in general has at times completely terrified me – not the Daleks, or other alienesque creatures – but the moments where the show takes elements from ordinary life, things that you wouldn’t think twice about and makes them so petrifying that they follow you into your dreams. A crack in a wall, for example, which has been the main undercurrent of this entire series, a disembodied voice calling from an intercom on a block of flats asking for help, statues (which you shouldn’t turn your back on!), friendly looking old people, dreams themselves…ideas that are so simple and yet stay with you. Who hasn’t been afraid of what lurks under the bed or in the wardrobe with the door slightly ajar? Simple but truly effective stuff.

With this final episode, problems raised early on were resolved and little elements which didn’t seem to make sense or were out of place in earlier episodes all came together – it was fantastic! We even have a few extra questions to ponder until the new series begins…

So this year I’ll be the one volunteering to keep my wee cousins company while they watch the Christmas special…and of course, my little cousins, I’m only watching it for the action and not for the yummy eccentric doctor. How soon is too soon to start the countdown to Christmas?! It feels like an awfully long time away…especially now that I finally have the time to watch the show without feeling guilty that perhaps I should be studying instead.

In fact, all my current favourite shows have recently finished their season – Glee, the Good Wife and, my guiltiest of guilty pleasures, Cougar Town. (Don’t judge me for that last one!) Is this some kind of conspiracy?!

Inspired by this fabulous blog, which I have spent most of today browsing…

1. Holiday Research


I have a short holiday to Budapest booked in August and I cannot wait! Now that the revision is finished, let the holiday planning begin!

2. This glorious video

Which is now making me want to watch ‘500 Days of Summer’ again and shop for vintage dresses…

3. Receiving handwritten letters


4. Tea


5. Pre-Raphaelite paintings


6. The Doctor


Squee! There’s definitely something to be said for bowties and braces…

7. Converse sneakers


8. London Gigs

Most recently:

{Wild Beasts at Koko in Camden – source}

{Band of Horses at Koko – source}

Next up – Muse in September!

9. Window shopping



Being a student at the moment, I don’t have a lot of money to flaunt but that doesn’t stop me looking…and creating a deliciously naughtily long wishlist in my head…

10. Cute hairbands

{In fact, pretty much any hairband from Accessorize}

Hope you’ve all had (because it’s almost midnight here in London)/ are having wonderful Tuesdays!

Free! ♥

Posted on: June 18, 2010

The long-dreaded exams are finally over and life feels amazing again! They were tough, probably the most demanding exams I’ve ever sat and I think that probably all boils down to just how many cases and structures I had to physically memorise for a set of exams condensed into such a short period of time, but the feeling of euphoria as I finished yesterday…I don’t think I even felt that as strongly after my undergrad degree. Finished at last!

The last square has finally been crossed out:

Fear my course-condensed flashcards… S, do you remember all those orange paper clips you gave me a few years back? Well they’re almost entirely used now, but for a very useful cause!

These exams have been sponsored by a vast amount of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk, music by The National which accompanied me to and from the exam hall each day (LOVE this song – and wonderful supportive friends…lots of love!

Here’s to a fabulous summer ahead! ♥

This time next week I’ll have finished one exam (EC law – eep!) and will be nervously going over notes for the next day’s criminal exam. Well, considering it’s gone 1am here, I’ll probably actually be tossing and turning my way through some spectacular exam-based dreams. You name an exam nightmare and I’ve had it at some point over my academic life – running out of time, turning over the paper and not recognising a single question, turning up to the wrong exam, a dream in an entirely different language (studying French and Classics as an undergraduate, I was guaranteed the last one on a fairly regular basis during exam weeks).

So I’ll be away from here for a few weeks while I get these horrors out of the way. I’ve worked hard over this last year, just a few more weeks and then I shall be free from textbooks for two glorious months! I have a few things planned, which I’ll be sure to regale you all with here, but until then it’s trustees’ duties, negligence and leases, oh my!

I shall leave you with a picture that’s my desktop background at the moment as it magically inspires and makes me smile at the same time. It’s by a wonderful artist from Cambridge called Heidi Burton,  who draws and paints some really gorgeous fantastical images, as well as cute postcards that I want to buy but would then refuse to send to anybody because that would involve parting with them! Perhaps over the summer (when I’m free~!) I’ll give in… She has lots of tea-themed designs as well which I LOVE! Click the picture to be taken to Heidi’s site and you’ll find a link to her etsy page there for your viewing delight and purchasing delectation.

So until the middle of June…please keep your fingers crossed and think lucky thoughts over the next few weeks!


Welcome to the blogging adventures of a 20-something London girl with a love of travelling, music and laughing with friends. Feel free to join me on my adventures! (.^_^)v

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